- نورنائبة المدير العام
- عدد المساهمات : 3481
نقاط : 5342
التقيم : 2
تاريخ التسجيل : 26/10/2011
المزاج : انا انثى قلبي كنزي احفظ فيه اسراري اجمع فيه نبضات حبي وفي خواطري امنياتي .. انا لا أصرخ على جروحي بل ادفنها عميقا بأعماق روحي
السبت ديسمبر 03, 2011 6:54 pm
Communications : It is an exchange of information, or provide entertainment through speech or writing or any other means. Perhaps the most important types of communication are personal communications that occur when people express their ideas and desires for each other. And connects people to each other through many ways, including: to speak, and move their hands, and even the expressions and faces. People use phone calls, letters and personal communications. Without the personal contacts, he was known parents their children's needs, and what could teachers help their students to learn, and have been able to Buddy coordination with their friends, and when people are able to participate in knowledge, but it was necessary to learn all the people all by himsel
Communications : It is an exchange of information, or provide entertainment through speech or writing or any other means. Perhaps the most important types of communication are personal communications that occur when people express their ideas and desires for each other. And connects people to each other through many ways, including: to speak, and move their hands, and even the expressions and faces. People use phone calls, letters and personal communications. Without the personal contacts, he was known parents their children's needs, and what could teachers help their students to learn, and have been able to Buddy coordination with their friends, and when people are able to participate in knowledge, but it was necessary to learn all the people all by himsel
- angelالمدير العام
- عدد المساهمات : 8871
نقاط : 14094
التقيم : 6
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/10/2011
الموقع : عمان
المزاج : إذا ضبطت نفسك متلبساً بالغيرة "على " إنسان ما فتفقد أحاسيسك جيداً فقد تكون في حالة " حب " وأنت "لا تعلم"..
رد: Communications
الثلاثاء ديسمبر 20, 2011 3:31 am
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